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I was looking for something different while I was at work, and was surprised to see this erotic movie available in theaters and YouTube. I'm not sure if it was an actual porn video, or just one that was actually filmed to impress the film-makers, but I like that type of thing from a creative standpoint, and I enjoyed how well it managed to get my heart pumping for the movie. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the amazing performance by Emma Roberts, who is one of the best actresses I've gotten to see lately. She has an awesome sense of humor, and she can actually read people's minds, and is very emotional so I thought that would be great!. This is my favorite film of our semester, and it has been my ultimate pleasure watching the film. It is truly a movie that I will never stop buying! I have never heard of a movie that's more perfect than this one. It is an eye-opening experience.
