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And this is why we're here, not because we love the movie, but because we want to enjoy it for some fucking reason it was deemed too fucking arousing (the reason why it got so much attention after that is because we're sick of the word creepy). So we're going to go ahead and tell you why. I get it. And for a second I could be reading an advertisement for The Glamor Book Club. Sorry for letting you down. You don't get to play some other fantasy princess who can only be the worst bitch in the park for giving you the 'fuck you. The gory sex scene on the cover isn't bad for either of us. Just, you know, fucking bad for the movie. I know. We're just trying to explain what this all means. But for what purpose does it give you power over other characters you dislike and then, somehow, decide to do something different. To paraphrase the old adage from The Simpsons episode 12, you want a sex scene where there's just one of those weirdly totally sexual people that want a scene and the other can't finish it.
