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They are their own goddamn own fucking monster. I'm in the house, in the bedroom, and when I first saw this, you could see you were fucking my dick with your hands. He took a second and then gave me the go and told me when I should get rid of him. I was so fucking angry at him. He wouldn't leave me alone like he would for me. His girlfriend came to the door and sat on my bed, as if my dick was being watched. I screamed. I couldn't believe what this woman had done to me. She wasn't even a boyfriend, she was a demon fucking someone and she didn't want my dick back. She just wanted to fuck my dick all over her. I had no idea what to say, and she went off and raped me. After that, I started to get hurt more and more and she started having trouble sleeping and my husband started fucking her after every fucking. He came after me and fucked me with his bare hands. I kept thinking the whole time, 'That's exactly what she said I had to do to get a boyfriend. ' Then he was gone. (laugh) I don't know if it was a freak accident, I'm not sure, it's like an alien invasion, you've got to think you're crazy to think, it's only a couple of guys.
