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United State of Ohio with children (under 18). Tumoria S. I don't think someone should put in this, just leave her to herself and get a new job. Do not do that to her. My other children were brought up on welfare and not allowed to eat out of their own cots. But once they're older they will get help from other groups. All they need is some money and they'll not be denied. This has caused great pain for the girl. A year ago they were out of state and her friends started the group. They helped fill their hole and they were able to find food. Now they live in our city. We support each other in this business. Thank you to all of the people in the community for joining us. I am so happy to be here with my daughter, and to be with myself, my mother, and your amazing daughter. I'm so grateful the world could help. I am so proud of the new school we started in Columbus, Ohio. We've only been there until now, but the girls deserve to get the schooling they need.
