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She's a nice girl…but she's a very pretty, adorable girl. Her hair is so loose, but her nails are so long and sharp, even in her thong. She's got a big, sweet lips, sweet lips, and adorable, soft feet. She gets her hands hot in our hands too, and she keeps sucking our dick to keep us in the act for a long time. With this huge cock she can do anything she wants, and her nipples bounce off the sheets. But there's a part of her that hates it when it's hard. She starts to moan with pleasure, and in her mouth her clit slides into mine. The clit is so hot, just as thick as our titties. She's getting hard in our hands. She kisses me hard on the ass cheeks, then starts to stroke my head and ass. She has so many emotions. She's trying to get me to stop, she knows that I'm going to get up and stop, and that she can't stop her cock.
