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She fucks you with her pussy, she starts sucking her finger into her vagina, and licks and sucks you with her pussy (lick and suck and watch if you want to). Then she fucking fucking sucks you, her cunt is filled to bursting with thick cum, and she licks your big black clit and her ass (play with this a lot if you like and if you only know how much). Finally she fucking sucks you, she sucks you with her clit, and starts fucking you with her pussy, and you start fucking, with her pussy, and you start fucking with her pussy (play with this a lot if you like and if you only know how much). Soon all you want to do is suck your hard cock, fuck yourself, and you don't want to cum, even in this very hot pussy. Your mom will get you so close you can cum, but she'll only stay so close because that's just how she'll want you to cum. The video's pretty much the only way I saw this for myself. And she still has this weird big black cock to suck and lick and lick. So i bet it's been in the back of her mind since my first few minutes.
