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We're also totally insane. She even had sex with her cousin on Snapchat before she was killed in 2013. She didn't want anyone to know what she was up to - and never had a way to prove it. The rest of the world has completely changed and is trying to take it from her. People have said that's her right. It's just not true. She just wanted to have sex with a guy. And who is her daddy? I just know she has to learn to live within her means. It's not like her dad has a monopoly on sex with anyone. It's just like their other friends, because they like her anyway - I can't stop thinking I want to live in a world where all men can find a sex partner. It's not just sad. it's sick. I hope you all can do your part so that the world can reach out to this person who has left her children behind, and learn to respect women more than to be jealous. UPDATE: On the 18th of March 2013 she posted this image of herself posing with her cousin, with the caption:I want to take responsibility for this. There's no way this is acceptable and I want my daughters to know.
