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There, my girlfriend and I lived on a sofa and our bedroom had a sofa but it was a bed at the same distance from the street. I had so many different bed arrangements and it was so cool to be able to sleep together on a sofa. I felt a touch of sadness at that time. I always found it difficult to sleep on my own but if I wanted to stay in town, I could just come in and play with my girlfriends on the way, and they didn't have to be there the whole time. It was just too much. Everyone wanted to be there for me. That was where you met women, and some people still do. I always felt like I needed someone to watch me on the street when I was younger and to hold a glass of wine once in a while. People think all they can do is watch a movie. I love my music at that time and I'm not sure if I've ever felt like I needed someone to watch it in my life again. It was just really amazing to be able to spend time with a guy who had always been there for me.
