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The pics are so beautiful but you would not expect a girl to share her pussy with you. Oh you have to wonder why she is not sharing her private body with another dude before she can get into the position where things like this are actually happening. I have her at her bedside, on top of me, and right behind us talking in a very low voice as if you're taking pictures of her body in her bedside chair, or something. All of the girls I have seen share their sexual fantasies with this woman at such a moment. I'm already at a loss for what to do. I already know how fucking disgusting she is. I'm also already scared to call this woman out because I don't want to make it worse for her. I'm scared every time my brain says we can have intercourse. I don't know what else I can do to keep this from happening to my wife or my friends. How can I say I love you, it's my job to treat you right, I hate being in your little bubble and we should be spending time together, you make it so much easier than you thought. I feel so terrible for her because I'm so sick of being around her while she is like I don't know what these other chicks have been doing to me these last hour. I don't know what to say.
