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I felt like it was my moment, but then the time finally arrived. says Kelly. It felt like I was going to be born again too, that day. Kelly was pretty happy with her time with the band, as she couldn't wait to see them play at the North Atlantic Festival Festival of Music in NYC. Kelly also says she feels super grateful for the opportunity to be with The Blackest Things ever. She says The Blackest Things will be their fourth record they've released in 2014, and we can confirm that there's more to play than meets the eye. It's always gonna be true that these things have changed over time; it's become a little deeper. It's pretty much what I've been living under every day, and that's fine. It's really cool to see that, to feel like, 'OK, this is the beginning again, we're going to make it big. ' I mean, you know my dream is being with a band with 20 people together and 10 different singers and a bunch of people that have been with me a little bit. It's always just a little brighter now, it's just more exciting the day after, and I hope that in those moments you'll still feel happy on stage with someone who will give your life and happiness to them.
